



I hope this helps some people the way it helped me.

After giving this same advice about affirmations to a few people in the past few months, I thought I would put this together in comic form.

I actually recorded myself saying my affirmations and I repeat them as I listen on my drive to work. For a while, I got out of the habit of doing it and I realized I was feeling really down on myself. I’ve made it a priority lately and it’s made me feel more upbeat and capable. 🙂

This is absolutely 100% true. About 2 years ago I was embroiled in constant doubt, anxiety, and had no self worth – but one day I just decided to stop listening to the negative voices and turn my attention to the positive ones. 

I stopped watching the news, stopped meditating on all the awful things toxic family members told me, and blocked several websites on my computer. Instead, when I felt down, I thought about the nice things people have said to me, the people I currently knew who legitimately liked me and the good relationships I had, and dwelled on good news when I heard it.

I’m a different person now: a happier one.

Thought I’d temporarily reblog this here too because this thing is true, it works well for me and my confidence is higher than ever before

this is good advice and it REALLY WORKS. I’ve been doing this myself and I’m doing WAY BETTER and I am way happier. it takes practice and time but it works!


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